I love you as high as sky,

But I'm not a bird ๐Ÿฆ I can't fly.

When u look at me, My heart ♥ skips a beat,

I become speechless when our eyes meet.

Your voice is as sweet
as honey,

When u talk to me sweetness is too many.

You can't imagine my love for you,

It is not like ice nor like dew.

My love is as deep as ocean,

No one can measure whether he's a magician.

I want to be with you forever,

I  forget you it cannot happen ever.

Your eyes tells me that you'll love me every day,

No matter what situation may come you'll  b there to stay.

My love for you does not seem to stop,

It makes me feel like I am on the top.

I will love you unconditionally always,
I'll keep you happy by all the ways.

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